Site Design: Landscape and building codependancy

A site is ideally viewed as a total integrated element inseparable from a building. In a codependant relationship a building and landscape can work as an entire space for habitation. Rather than viewing a site as a singular plane where a building, as an object, is placed, a site can be viewed as a series of ecosystems dependent on orientation, views, topographies, vegetation and external influences. A building ideally interacts with its landscape and engages with its aspects in such a way that responds to the natural breezes, sun angles, rainfall etc. Rather than breaking up the site in broad strokes such as street frontage, rear aspect, a landscape and building can be designed together as a series of spaces that co-exist, relate to and invigorate each other.

A landscape is constantly being reinterpreted independently by the elements. A building is constantly being reinterpreted through use, by its inhabitants. The garden is the place to experience the elements, and a building can be a place to experience and understand the elements in comfort and shelter

The garden is an independent space that changes with time. It can be re-interpreted and redefined, and with time has a life of its own. A building also changes with time from within - as the occupants grow and change and it’s use is re-interpreted and re-defined. Built form can be used to define and give character to the broader landscape, as much as a landscape can add meaning to a built form. Our buildings aim to explore the relationship with garden and the broader landscape and ultimately aim to invigorate and inspire the everyday experience.

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