Journal 07: Sustainability Summit Notes 2022

Sustainability Summit 2022 – Notes:

Keynote Address

Current climate emergency and general climate failure

Global temperatures will increase

Decarbonization needs to occur urgently and there is a need for rapid emissions reduction

There needs to be a general understanding of the risk now posed by the climate and a recognition that buildings now need to engage with the future

The Chancery Lane Project (TCLP) – A worldwide collaboration of the legal profession

NCC Changes

7 Star rating will have a 1 to 100 rating, with the rating of 60 being the minimum standard

7 Star rating will take into consideration annual energy use of all appliances including a/c, lighting, hot water systems, swimming pool/pump energy use offset against onsite pv power generation

To achieve energy efficiency need to optimize orientation, low embodied energy material selection, appropriate specification of windows, framing, glazing and glass size.

Moving beyond NCC building envelope, thermal bridging, air tightness and ventilation understanding

Moving beyond NCC indoor air quality including the understanding of mould and condensation needs to be considered

Moving beyond NCC what needs to occur is on site testing of building efficiency

Building Innovations

Visualization of the roof space beyond water collection, and see other opportunities including power generation, pv cells shade roofs and produce power

Visualization of buildings beyond a 10 years future and an understanding of having a maintenance strategy for building longevity

Importance of Material Data including EPD’s, Declare Labels

Opportunity of using collective data – ie Green Star Building Product Portal (6 months away), AIA Product Portal, EPIC Database

Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council

Use of nature based materials

Disaster Resilience

There is now an increased risk of natural disasters.

There is value in resilient buildings

Buildings need to have an adaptive capacity

The insurance industry will drive resilience in buildings. ie more resilient buildings will be cheaper to insure

Circular Economy

There is a need to design out waste in the construction process

Build to last and at the design stage there is a need to have end of life strategies  

Reuse existing buildings

Long life loose fit.

Reconceptualize value

Repurpose existing building materials into new buildings

Need to partner with builders who are committed and who understand need for circular economy and the reduction of waste and recycling

Have a building team who are aware of their responsibility in the process of circularity and are accountable

Engage recycling companies who are accountable

Design to reduce and for disassembly

There is a business opportunity to move away from single use mindset for buildings

Product Lifecycle

Declare Label


Avoid adhesives

Use fixings whereby buildings can be easily deconstructed in the future

Social Sustainability

Buildings and spaces are ultimately about people

Ensuring quality of public life

At a residential level how are social outcomes in private buildings expressed and then quantified

Design flexibility of spaces and think beyond the next 10 years.

What and where will the occupants be beyond 10 years from now. Think 30 – 50 years. Who will be the occupant

Design with the idea of change.

Social and Affordable Housing

Affordable housing can be achieved with smaller footprints and more efficient designs, including using materials without added surface – ie no superfluous materials

If you don’t need it – take it out

Design more with less

Build for longevity

Rethink items that are in a brief – how can these things be programmed in efficiently

Design for low operational costs to ensure living in a house is ultimately more affordable.

Cost savings through shared spaces

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